Find a tutor in Burnaby today

For over two decades, Tutors on Call has been offering individualized one-on-one tutoring services to students. Our flexible tutoring options include in-person sessions at either the student’s home or a library, as well as online tutoring, all conducted by our experienced Burnaby tutors. Our extensive subject coverage includes Math, Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, General Science, English, Social Studies, French, and English as a Second Language.

Burnaby Tutors

No packages or contracts

We keep things simple and flexible. There is no contract, no minimum number of hours and no packages. You can stop the lessons at anytime without a cancellation fee. There are also no administration fees, taxes or other hidden fees. Our policies are flexible, transparent and simple.

Easy & Quick Registration

We have a quick and easy online or phone registration process that takes five minutes. Once registered it takes as little as 24 hours to confirm a tutor and get the lessons started.

Qualified Tutors

All of our tutors have graduated from university, have several years of tutoring experience, and are familiar with the Canadian curriculum.

How our Burnaby tutors can help

  • Assist with homework
  • Review course material
  • Prepare students for exams
  • Help navigate online courses
  • Support adults who are upgrading
  • Fill in learning gaps in math, reading, and writing

In-Person & Online Tutoring in Burnaby



Our Burnaby tutors focus on reinforcing classroom concepts by providing re-teaching, homework assistance, and test preparation. In addition to this, we offer specialized tutoring in writing skills, grammar, phonics, spelling, vocabulary, reading comprehension, essay writing, and foundational math skills. Our goal is to instill confidence in students and equip them with the necessary skills to tackle future classroom assignments independently.

We take pride in our team of top-notch Burnaby tutors who are highly qualified and experienced, possessing at least a university degree and several years of Canadian tutoring experience. Some of our tutors even hold a masters or PhD, ensuring the highest quality of education for our students.

As a Canadian company, we prioritize customer service and keep things simple by eliminating contracts, cancellation fees, and complicated registration procedures. Our team is easily accessible, returning phone calls promptly and following up with texts or emails, ensuring smooth communication with our clients.

If you’re looking for an experienced, customer-focused, and Canadian tutoring company, contact us today to schedule your first lesson with our skilled Burnaby tutors.



Successful Programs

Years Of Experience

What our clients are saying

“The tutor has a great way to teach the concepts so that my son better understands the math.“
Juanita M.

“We are very pleased with our son’s progress. The tutor is really making a difference in preparing him for his final exam.”
Adam L.

“Absolutely incredible tutor! She has changed my daughter’s life for the better.”
Gordon C.

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