How to Reduce Homework Stress

When they said that learning is a never-ending process, no one mentioned that it also entails bringing a hefty workload home. Sadly, homework time can become a nightmare for many students. As a result, a constant struggle ensues between parents and kids. Here are some suggestions to help students reduce homework stress.

homework stress


Many kids are left helpless and unproductive as they go over their homework alone. Having someone guide them in going through the lessons makes them feel more confident and inspired to do more. Kids learn best by example, so use this time not only to reduce homework stress but also to teach positive habits that will last a lifetime.


Food and Water

Kids can become grumpy and lose their energy during study time. Have some healthy snacks ready, like sandwiches and smoothies, for when they feel like having a break. It is also easier for kids to concentrate and feel balanced when they take an adequate meal before studying. Simply enriching your children’s nutrition may bring great results in their performance.  Furthermore, many of us are dehydrated and don’t know it.  Ensuring the student is drinking plenty of water will go a long way to help reduce homework stress.


Homework Log

Keep a record of all assignments for the day so kids can organize well. It is easier to reduce homework stress by organizing homework tasks into small parts and tackling each in a manageable time frame. Kids may even help decide how they would want to arrange their list according to difficulty (easiest to most difficult) or their interest (most interesting to least interesting).


Relaxation exercises

It is important that students take breaks in between each pile of homework. Breathing exercises will help reduce homework stress and frustration when assignments become difficult or seem overwhelming. Try some student-friendly yoga poses as well.


When a student becomes too overwhelmed by homework and/or studies, intervene and introduce a plan that is easy to adapt to.  For ideas, here are some student tips to get organized and succeed. Do not overlook any early signs of anxiety as it may develop into a more serious problem. Having a tough time at school is a reality most students face at one time or another. However, failing to notice these important signals may affect a student’s performance and the quality of his or her academic life altogether.  Reduce homework stress today to help ensure academic success.